The art of Lisa Falzon is breathtaking. The colors, the imagery, everything. Though I love almost everything of hers, my favorite is the image of Joséphine de Beauharnais and a tiny Napoleon Bonaparte wrapped around her finger.
I quite like this t-shirt from Threadless. It satisfies my need of flesh hungry zombies in retro Mystery Machine colors, but at the same time it looks like a nice pattern from far away. Even better? Its $12.
When talking about Joanna Newsom with a friend, the below conversation went something like this:
Myself: Do you like Joanna Newsom? Friend: Uh... her voice is... odd. M: She does sound like an old lady crossed with a screeching cat. F: I like that you even knew what I was talking about.
Taking advice from The Art of Darkness I went to the Better Homes and Gardens website, and found an intriguing project for a chandelier. Observe: Spooky Decorations .
I got the style but not the grace I got the clothes but not the face I got the bread but not the butter I got the wind but not the shutter But I'm big in Japan I'm big in Japan But heh I'm big in Japan I got the house but not the deed I got the horn but not the reed I got the cards but not the luck I got the wheel but not the truck But heh I'm big in Japan I'm big in Japan I'm big in Japan I got the moon I got the cheese I got the whole damn nation On its knees I got the rooster I got the crow I got the ebb I got the flow I got the powder but not the gun I got the dog but not the bun I got the clouds but not the sky I got the stripes but not the tie But heh I'm big in Japan I'm big in Japan I'm big in Japan Heh ho they love the way I do it Heh ho there's really nothing to it I got the moon I got the cheese I got the whole damn nation on their knees I got the rooster I got the crow I got the ebb I got the flow I got the sizzle but not the steak I got the boat but not the lake I got the sheets but not the bed I got the jam but not the bread But heh I'm big in Japan I'm big in Japan I'm big in Japan I'm big in Japan, I'm big in Japan -Tom Waits " Big In Japan "
Martha Stewart has a costume idea that reminds me a lot of Lock from The Nightmare Before Christmas. So in honor of the new edition, I thought I would post the instructions here.
Devil Horns How-To Choose a medium-width headband (ours was 3/8 inch wide). To make horns, use lightweight air-drying modeling clay. Roll clay into cones, and curl tops with hands, making sure the cones' bottoms are flat. Let dry according to package directions, then cover with black or red acrylic paint. When paint is dry, coat one side of each horn with a thin layer of craft glue and apply glitter generously, sprinkling over horns. Let dry, then glitter opposite side. Once glue is dry, attach horns to headband with hot glue.
Photos and instructions from the Martha Stewart website.
October Effigies used to make an adorable Rosemary Woodhouse doll. Its out of stock now, but I'm hoping for a comeback. Carry it around and ask bystanders " Tannis, anyone? "
I have wanted this ring from Pancake Meow for quite sometime. Unfortunately it is now out of stock. But really, who doesn't want a licorice pastille at their fingertips?
" One of my favorite treats from Iceland! A salt licorice pastille made of resin is mounted onto a silver toned adjustable ring! Show Iceland some love! Even Bjork has one! Just kidding! Ha ha! "
"I met hundreds and thousands of people, and none finer than the midgets and the Siamese twins and the caterpillar man and the bearded woman and the human seal with the little flippers for hands. I never asked them any embarrassing questions and they never asked me, and God, it was a great adventure." -Johnny Eck